Saturday, June 29, 2013

EverNote Snippets

Okay so there has been a lot of discussion today regarding digital workboxes, Easy Peasy, electronic games, and Evernote. Ill have to say that I am not the one who started this topic (thank you Michelle and Trish) but I thought it was a great idea and just ran with it.

So here are a few snippets that I just took regarding my EverNote. I have one of my second graders "notebooks" as well as a Pre K "notebook," I also took a snippet of my "To Make" notebook because I want to stress how cool this program is.

So this is second grade. Its loosely based off the Easy Peasy Second Grade post but it also has lots of links to games I found either from Pinterest or just good old fashioned searching. (I have a "Pin" board with pins to the sites I used,  found here). I also have check mark boxes so she can check them off when she has completed the lesson. This can also be used as a lazy way to keep track of attendance, if you complete all the days in the month then you can easily keep track that way (we have 15 days of school for each month)(and Im a lazy attendance keeper) and you can probably create another "notebook" checking the days/months/etc for each kid.

Here is our Pre K notebook. I have links to videos, games, and some print outs (which are in red). This is pretty much the exact same as our second grade notebook but for Pre K. I got the content from EP Getting Ready 1 and Getting Ready 2 as well as Pinterest (really, any excuse to go on Pinterest is fine with me)

Okay so this is when it gets cool (well cool for me!)! I have a notebook titled "To Make," its for recipes and ideas for dinner/ get the gist. I also have this cool "Evernote Clipper" in Chrome as an extension. What this does is it clips articles, pictures, etc. and lets you save them to any notebook in Evernote. (The clipper can be found here). The cool thing is that I love looking at recipes online and in magazines but they are never in the same place at the same time or I write down ingredients but forget where the paper is or what recipe it goes to. Well NO MORE, I say!!! You can clip a recipe, add it to your "To Make" notebook then gather ingredients, make a "note" of said ingredients, "sync" your Evernote so its now on your phone, Nook, iPad, whatever....and  BAM....I have all the stuff I need if we are out and I find myself at the store!!! YAY!! (I am literally cheering right now...anyone else?)

I guess that doesn't sound as cool now that Ive type it out and reading it back to myself. But the thought of being able to gather all my recipes, clip them to a note/notebook, and make a list for the store and have it automatically update to my phone is fantastic!!! No more losing my lists, no more having to worry if I wrote it all down (I can't be the only one with this issue) or that my kid decided she needed to use it as a chew toy. It will be right there, on my phone, waiting for me to open and use it!!

A snippet of the "Clipper" extension in action.

Sorry, I got off track thinking about recipes and syncing.....this is about using Evernote as a platform for homeschooling. So if you have any questions please let me know!! 

Have a Blessed Day!!


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